Behind the Beats is a "drum pad" dedicated to the stories behind the sounds of artists, who are part of the discographies of resistance with a special emphasis on lofi artists. Hopefully, this gives additional context of the unique stories that are behind the beats.

Musically, each story is a note. Thus, the conversations with artists are named "notes." Unlike the tradition sequential, chronological structure of episodes, our notes are refuse singular chronology to witness the fluidity of remixing temporaries for conversations and beat-making to take place. Thus, note #365 can occur AFTER note #400. We use various numbers for notes based on the recommendations of artists, who elaborate on the significance of that number in their work.

Each note has been transcribed. In addition, an upcoming compilation of notes to share the stories behind the beats is also in the works. Some questions that we ask artists are the following:

---may you describe the significance of the note number that is playing in this conversation?

---what is one of the earliest memories on your beat-making journey?

---in what ways have you seen lofi beats change overtime?

---does lofi and resistance connect? What are some examples of discographies of resistance?

---what is one sample and/or remix that you currently have on repeat?

That's all at this time for some of the notes are starting to play…


Note #3657

coming soon

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